African Diaspora International (ADI), renowned as “The African Diaspora Economic Infrastructure” is an innovative, unifying and empowering organization of the African Diaspora Community and advocates of global economic empowerment; to develop progressive ideas, share knowledge, create developmental and empowering possibilities, enhance support, employment, business and investment opportunities for economic growth, sustainability, stability and social development of members of ADI and the society at large.

ADI is aimed at establishing real collective solutions to the challenges we’re faced with; with the participation, support and partnership of interested stakeholders.

ADI is a non-governmental and non-partisan organisation.

African Diaspora International is committed and dedicated to work together as a family, for the growth, well-being and development of its members.

We create opportunities for our members and ensure provision of support whenever necessary. Promoting the welfare of ADI members, supporting the social and economic growth of host countries, development in Africa and ensuring quality education for Africa children.

Our goal is to progress together and give the best of us, through values, shared knowledge, reciprocity of mutual respect, positive partnerships, unity, love, will to work together, inspire, aspire, support, uplift and to ensure opportunities to ADI members, those who want to change the course of their stories and contribute positively to the society in which they live in, as well as promote and encourage the growth and development of Africa.

Yes, we can do much better as a united people! Together, we can support one another much more than ever and create a better future for all of us.

Generations come and go, but the plight of a part of THE FAMILY bothers the entire family. And there’s no better time than now, for the entire family to work seriously together for definite solutions.

ADI is our organisation, our community and platform.

Like we are undoubtedly aware of, the problem of racism or discrimination against blacks, Africans, people of color and foreigners, persists in our societies and world at large. And it is becoming more alarming even in recent times, with a posing danger to lives, societal harmony and peace, as well as economic progress and social integration. Complains cannot change the situation. And we cannot continue to repeat the same things, applying the same approaches and expect a different result. It’s time for real solutions. The growth and empowerment of the African Diaspora community will also play a vital role in enhancing development, respect, smoother integration and societal building. This will also help curb racism and discrimination like never before.

We must remind ourselves that, supporting the well-being and development of the African Diaspora, means supporting the growth and progress of the society, Africa and our the world in general.

We need to act right to achieve the needed change. And that change begins with us, in all our endeavours. We must improve the way we think or perceive, how we act, our attitude towards one another, how we project and deal as a people.

ADI is here to listen, help and support you to make your dreams come true. As you dig deep, rise to the peak of your potentials and establish the steps towards independence, economic freedom, personal or individual and collective growth.

We must encourage mutual RESPECT, diligence, work, coexistence, LOVE and understanding between different cultures, personalities; the essential factors for social, cultural and economic development for the society and our world.

“Dreams come true when you wake up, get up and get to work”.


Our key objectives

  • To uplift one another; create access to positive community network; provide support and solutions in addressing our core challenges.
  • To promote the welfare of ADI members, strengthen economic partnerships and contribute to community development.
  • To promote trade, commerce and business across nations of the globe.
  • To encourage Networking amongst ADI Members and Partners on economic, social, political and cultural matters.
  • To promote the spirit of unity and progress in the African Diaspora Community and to also encourage their participation in the developmental affairs of the host communities, Africa and the world at large.
  • To enhance the image of the African diaspora with the aim to promote its integration, business, partnerships, trade and investment opportunities.
  • To build up a database of ADI members, professionals and businesses.
  • To encourage and promote positive contributions to society.
  • To increased bilateral cooperation between the African diaspora and the host countries in the fields of economy, business, education, culture etc.
  • To ensure the provision of quality education for African children, as well as aiding development programmes in Africa.
  • To assist with technical advice, trainings, economic, legal, educative and informative support for the ADI members.
  • To build a strong community for the exchange of ideas and experience between ADI members, other professional and cultural organisations.
  • To enhance and facilitate access to quality education. 
  • Committed to addressing the needs of the entire African Diaspora Community (including new immigrants and students).

The Positive Impact of Diaspora & The African Diaspora International

The African Diaspora is the largest community in the world. A community with a population of over 3 billion people worldwide.

A diversed and powerful community, derived from three main waves of migration:

The first includes the early African migrants and immigrants, who’s descendants are people of various races, ethnicities and cultures, of different nations around the globe for centuries. Ancestral DNA tests being carried out by many, to be knowledgable of their roots, are proving of the historic existence of the Early African Diaspora. And the descendants of the Early African Diaspora are currently in their billions today.

The second is related to the exportation of Africans in the context of the slave trade. And the descendants of these populations are still living today in countries like The United States of America, Brazil, Porto Rico, Cuba, UK, France, etc.

The third wave is an economic migration, that pushed the African population to Europe, Asia, USA etc since the twentieth century. These are African immigrants are in Germany, France, Italy, USA, UK, UAE, Spain, Switzerland, Norway, China, India and also in many other countries of the world.

The African Diaspora is undoubtedly capable and endowed with great talents, potentials and resources.

The missing solution to our struggles and plights, is basically a good and formidable structure; a united, visionary, innovative and well organised community.

This is why the African Diaspora International was born and established. That long awaited change is finally here and here to stay for good.

Many of the members of the African Diaspora International, are highly qualified professionals, who also contribute to development in various ways.

 Members of ADI includes engineers, medical doctors, IT professionals and academics, artists, entrepreneurs etc. They come from all walks of life and they share a passion for the development of the African Diaspora Community, Africa, as well as the land they live in.

 Through our expertise, contacts, resources and experience, ADI is making immense contributions to development, by driving increased economic, social and cultural inputs.

The African Diaspora remits over 65 billions dollars annually to the African continent.

ADI also offers it’s members tremendous opportunities for business, investment and growth. And we are committed to the promotion of greater economic, social, educational and cultural possibilities, uplift, stability, and success.

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